Meet Nathan

Hey guys, my heart is to be Wilderness Driven in all that I do. We hope to create community where we all can grow specifically to live, love and look like our King. Our hope and mission are to prayerfully Reveal Identity, Call out Destiny and Inspire your Journey To Follow Jesus. A wilderness mindset is what so many people need in the difficult times that many of us are facing. All throughout the bible God uses the wilderness to constantly get His people to look and trust in Him alone. Yeshua Himself in the Gospels was driven into the wilderness at the beginning of His public journey to redeem mankind. My whole drive in life is to be a disciple of King Jesus and allow His words to govern my life. The wilderness mindset is the soil I have found to allow His words to produce the most fruit.

Nathan Harmon is an evangelist, father & international speaker. He is the founder of Wilderness Driven and Your Life Speaks. His love for God and calling to ministry is such a powerful testimony of undeniable “God moments” throughout his life.  Click the button to learn more about Nathan & his family.

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Latest Message:

"Wholly to the Holy"

This Gospel of the Kingdom will circle the Earth.

Gospel of the Kingdom

Nathan Harmon filming a documentary

God is taking believers deeper in His word and bringing us back to the patterns and rhythms of His heart. These "Jesus Meetings" are exactly that. Specific gatherings crying out to the world to come back to the root of their Christian faith. This rhythm and root doesn't lead to Rome but to Jerusalem. If it's bringing this tent that we have been blessed with that sits up to 800 to your community or just coming to your church, living room or anywhere you decide to bring us in to share. God is stirring the hearts of His people and we just want to be a part of whatever God is doing on the earth. Contact us if you want to bring these "Jesus Meetings" to your area. Let's pray about it together and make it happen. You can go to the video's tab and see some of these past Jesus Meeting's gatherings. 

Mountains Of Gilead

Nathan Harmon wearing a white shirt

We just finished our fifth trip to Jordan in the land of Gilead. After two years of seeking God and asking Him to give us spiritual eyes and why’s.

Our exploration, kingdom discovery, relationship building and connections we now know it is time for you to pray about joining us on a trip.

To the exact land where Jacob wrestled the Angel of God. This trip isn’t a tour. This will be a life changing experience encountering the deep kingdom rhythms of God.

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The Ancient Path

Nathan Harmon filming a documentary

There is a holy wrestling, a stirring in the depths of believers. A stirring that’s coming from the very core. I have heard it time after time around people who genuinely believe these words “something more, I long for deeper wells”. So many questions and yet most of the answers met with shallow responses that leave the core of their being still searching. Desiring to find the words of our Messiah to finally ring true in their soul “whoever drinks of the water that I give him will never be thirsty again”. Yet, so many thirsty, so many bound by things they can’t break free of.

But Something is arising. Something is happening that no denomination can contain.  

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Wilderness Driven Family

You may be asking what is the "Wilderness Driven Family"? Well that's us. We now live full time on the road solely focused on God's mission for us. These two themes guide us "Wilderness Mindset" & "Family Priority Lifestyle" and our hope is to inspire people to let those themes impact their daily lives. Let me explain, in the Bible the wilderness is a place God uses powerfully to keep people truly surrendered to Him. Jesus, Israel during the exodus, Abraham, Issac, Jacob, King David, and the list can go on of examples. The wilderness mindset is learning to daily lay down self preservation and truly learn to trust God for all things. The "Family Priority Lifestyle" is just basically what it says. Unfortunately family being a priority over the many distractions the world can offer has been greatly affected. We were very much guilty of this and decided to make sure our children will always know how much "they" and family besides God is the most important part of the journey as they grow up. We are the "WILDERNESS DRIVEN FAMILY" and we hope we can inspire you all by living this out in front of you.

Nathan Harmon, wife, and two kids

Tuesday Nights 8PM Live Prayer 

Starting July 9, 2024. Join Nathan, Alexis and the team every Tuesday @8pm eastern for our weekly prayer call. As we focus our intercession and lifting our voice to God like Ezekiel 36:37 declares. Join us as we continue to believe God for the restoration of all things. 

July 9th Prayer Call Link 

Partnering With Us 

bookshelves in a library

Over the past eight years, we have been blessed with countless opportunities to speak and share in various public settings. The impact and provision we've experienced to fund the Kingdom work is something God has blown us away with. As we shift our focus towards Jordan, we have realized that we must decline many of these opportunities as we cannot be in two places at once. This is a profound commitment to our mission in Gilead, to build a house of prayer, bring people to Gilead to experience the area, and spread our message globally. The urgency of this message cannot be understated. We humbly and sincerely ask for your support in our mission, inviting you to consider praying for our work and also partnering with us.  

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Building A House Of Prayer

Nathan Harmon wearing a white shirt

Over the next several months we are beginning to launch the vision for the house of prayer in Gilead. The exact area and region where many amazing things happened back to back to Jacob. It's the area where Jacob made a Covenant of Peace. Wrestled the Angel and had his name changed to Israel. Where Jacob also saw Angels and declared is was the region where Angels dwell and had a Camp. Genesis 31-33

Help us Build the House of Prayer

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